The Art of Detachment: Insights from Jocko Willink

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🧘 In life and leadership, finding solutions to problems often requires stepping outside the problem itself. This concept, eloquently articulated by Jocko Willink, a former Navy SEAL and leadership consultant, emphasizes the power of detachment.

Detachment as a Solution

💡 The solution to a problem isn't found by getting entrenched in it. Willink highlights the necessity of stepping back, assessing the situation from a broader perspective, and making an informed decision. This method allows for a clear, unemotional assessment of whether the problem even requires solving or if it's something to shrug off.

A Moment of Realization

🔍 Willink's profound understanding of detachment came during a training mission on an oil rig. As the youngest and most junior member of his platoon, he found himself waiting for a command. Frustrated by the inaction, he took a literal step back, broadening his field of vision. This small act revealed that everyone else was narrowly focused down the sights of their weapons, missing the bigger picture. By detaching, he could see what needed to be done, made the necessary call, and successfully guided his platoon.

Practical Applications

🛠️ Detachment isn't just for combat scenarios. Willink applies this principle in various aspects of life:

👣 Physical Detachment: In heated discussions, literally stepping back or pushing a chair away from the table can help gain perspective. Changing your physical position often leads to a broader mental perspective.

💨 Controlled Breathing: Before responding, especially in stressful situations, taking a deep breath can calm the mind and body, preventing panic and promoting clear thinking.

🙌 Non-Verbal Cues: Simple actions like lifting the chin and lowering the hands can change a defensive posture to an open one, fostering better communication and reducing conflict.

👂 Listening More, Talking Less: In meetings and conversations, listening more than speaking allows for better understanding and detachment. It helps identify gaps in others' plans and promotes thoughtful responses.

Detachment in Everyday Life

🌱 For those new to practicing detachment, these steps are crucial. Over time, it becomes a natural response, allowing for improved decision-making and emotional control. In meetings, for instance, Willink often listens rather than speaks, allowing him to assess the situation more effectively and guide his team without getting bogged down by personal biases or emotions.


🔗 Detachment is a powerful tool in leadership and life. By stepping back, taking a breath, and broadening our perspective, we can navigate challenges more effectively. Jocko Willink’s insights provide a roadmap for incorporating this practice into our daily routines, leading to better decisions and a more balanced approach to problems.

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