The Top 10 Natural Home Remedies to Shed Those Extra Pounds

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Are you looking to lose some weight without restrictive diets or excessive exercise? Well, you’re in luck because nature has provided us with simple, side-effect free solutions that help accelerate fat burning.

Keep reading to discover 10 of the best home remedies using common kitchen ingredients that combat fat and promote a healthy, lean body when done consistently.  

Start Your Day with Apple Cider Vinegar Water

This zesty drink made from apple cider vinegar and warm water first thing in the morning jumpstarts digestion and gives your metabolism the kick it needs to start burning fat. The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar curbs appetite while supporting gut health. Drink this tasty elixir daily on an empty stomach and watch the pounds melt away.  

Cinnamon Tea - The Belly Fat Burning Magic Potion

Cinnamon isn’t just a heavenly aromatic spice. It’s a powerful thermogenic that generates heat in the body, allowing you to torch more calories. Simply brew a rejuvenating cinnamon tea with some grated ginger before bed. Sipping this soothing tea helps reduce bloating while ensuring your body burns fat as you sleep.

The Fat Flushing Lemon and Yogurt Smoothie

Starting your day with a bright, vitamin C-packed lemon and yogurt smoothie provides your body with protein and probiotics that optimize digestion. Lemons help detox the liver - your main fat burning organ - for improved fat breakdown. Blend yogurt, lemon juice, cucumber and mint leaves for rapid waistline reduction.  

Pre-Bedtime Abhyanga to Accelerate Fat Loss  

The practice of Abhyanga, which involves self-massaging therapeutic oils into your skin before bathing, is an ancient Indian technique for natural healing and detoxing. Massaging nutrient-dense oils like coconut, almond or olive oil at night helps lower cortisol levels to diminish fat storage around your belly.

Say Yes to Fat Burning Fruits and Veggies!

Filling half your plate with low energy density foods like leafy greens, berries, pears, papaya and grapefruit allows you to eat big portions that provide lots of bulk but little calories, keeping you satiated on fewer calories. The fiber, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals found in most produce increase fat breakdown while lowering fat absorption too.  

So ditch the restrictive diets and add these natural fat burning home remedies to your daily routine for clean, sustainable weight loss. Your body will thank you for nurturing it with these wholesome foods instead of nasty crash diets!

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