The Colorful Gerbera Flower

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Gerbera flowers originate mainly from southern Africa. With the Latin name Gerbera Jamesonii, they belong to the Asteraceae family. Gerberas are extremely versatile flowers that can be grown at any time of the year. Known for their bright colors like red, yellow, pink, white and more, gerberas are often used to express one's happiness for occasions like birthdays, weddings, Mother's Day and Environment Day.  

Due to this, gerberas are in high demand today in the market. Growing a few pots or properly maintaining plants with these beautiful flowers in your home garden can further enhance your experience. As you interact with flower growers, it is evident how progressive they are in society today. They often start small with a few planted pots out of passion. Looking closely at these characters, we believe you too have an inclination towards flower gardening.

Whether pursuing flower cultivation as a career or spending limited time on it during your leisure, this can become a good source of income if done properly. Among the flowers in demand, gerberas have a special place.  

Babadensiz flowers have been used to decorate home gardens since ancient times. As a modified flower type, the gerbera has the ability to be preserved as a cut flower. The demand for such cut flowers gives additional value to this cultivation. Enhanced with very attractive colors and appearance, these can be used for any special occasion. They are used in halls, offices and bridal bouquets. If cultivated well, earning income not just from flowers but from potted plants too is not difficult.  

The environmental requirements for optimum growth of this plant, if provided accordingly, allow cultivation in any environment as it is free of pests. It is a rhizomatous plant that belongs to the perennial variety. Since it blooms flowers all year round, this can be continued as a profit making commercial cultivation. Both high temperatures and heavy rains are detrimental for this plant. Hence, special attention needs to be given when watering to avoid waterlogging.

It is clearly evident that there is consistent high demand in the market for top grade flowers. To produce such flowers, a protected structure with proper sunlight also needs to be constructed. Cultivating inside a protected structure with polythene covering has several advantages:

1. Protection from rain during wet seasons

2. Minimizes pest damages 

3. Controls temperature and sunlight

To build a protective structure, UV resistant polythene should be used. 35% shade net and 50% shade net should be used to cover the sides. G.I pipes should be used for the framework, and constructing a strong concrete foundation about 1 1/2 feet below the ground level strengthens the structure.  

The protected structure for gerbera cultivation should not be constructed at ground level. Raised beds about 10-12 feet high and 7-8 feet wide on both sides are suitable. With such a height, the required factors as mentioned earlier are appropriately obtained inside the protected structure.

When selecting the planting medium emphasis should be given to provide a well-aerated medium enabling easy establishment. A dense medium hinders growth. A too loose medium, though promoting good initial growth, results in lanky plants with poor anchorage. The following growing medium mixture is suitable:

1 part wood shreds from old logs

1 part well rotten cow manure  

The wood shreds from old logs provide aeration to the medium. Using fresh saw dust makes the medium dense which is unfavorable. Impure saw dust with fungal growth can affect root development in young plants. Washing away cow manure removes debris like hair and straw that can trap heat inside the medium. Proper homogenization activates beneficial micro flora. When selecting composted growing mediums, root systems are prone to attacks from pathogens and unfavorable bacteria. Hence, a well-aerated “soilless” medium is vital.  

While potting, adequate drainage should be provided in the pots. A drain hole covered with a concave clay pot shard prevents the medium from being washed away while allowing excess water to drain away. The prepared pot should then be placed into a bigger perforated plastic bag to conserve moisture. Slow release fertilizer granules, about 10 grams, can be top dressed before filling up the bag with the medium without affecting the roots. This application slowly releases nutrients for 4-5 months.

While sowing a cutting or removing a side shoot for propagation, the part where it connects to the rhizome or pseudobulb should be above the medium. Water, fertilizer and pesticide absorption happens through this junction. Also, access to oxygen is vital here. Hence, special care should be taken not to cover this part with the medium while potting.


Gerbera cultivation can focus mainly on two profitable avenues – cut flowers and potted plants. Between these two, suitable varieties need to be selected based on required specifications. 

Cut flowers require mature flower buds of about 4 inches in length and peduncles not exceeding 1 1/2 feet. Varieties with smaller flowers and peduncles are suitable as potted plants. Such potted plants have flowers similar in size and characteristics to the mother plant, but with brilliant colors. The displayed array of both cut flowers and potted plants together will enhance the beauty and commercial value.  

An exceptional character of this plant is flowering throughout the year. With systematic maintenance, about 30-35 quality blooms can be obtained annually from proper genetic varieties. Further, by incorporating scientifically propagated superior clones by means of tissue culture, consistent production of exquisite cut flowers for the luxury trade could be achieved.  

For successful gerbera cultivation, properly understanding environmental factors and selecting suitable areas for construction of protective structures based on this understanding, is vital. Further, by incorporating appropriate growing techniques, quality planting material and systematic crop management, gerbera flowers can be produced to meet the consistent market demand. 

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