How to Plant and Care for Strawberries

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Strawberries are a delicious and rewarding crop to grow. Here is a complete guide to planting and caring for strawberries in your garden. Preparing the Strawberry Bed Strawberries do best in full sun (at least 6 hours per day) and well-drained soil enriched with compost or aged manure. Build raised beds that are 2 feet wide and at least 8 inches high to provide good drainage and allow roots to spread. Fill beds halfway with a mixture of equal parts garden soil, compost, and aged manure or leaf mold. Cover this with 2-3 inches of pine straw, leaves, or weed-free straw to inhibit weeds and retain moisture. Planting Strawberry Plants Purchase bare-root or potted plants from a reputable nursery. For best fruit production, choose June-bearing varieties which bear one large crop per season. Ever-bearing varieties produce smaller crops spring through fall. Plant in early spring or late summer, spaced 12-15 inches apart in rows 2 feet apart. Dig holes deep enough to accommodate roots without bending them. Backfill with surrounding soil and water deeply after planting. Caring for Strawberry Plants Apply a balanced organic fertilizer or compost around plants every 3-4 weeks during the growing season. Keep soil moist but not saturated by watering 1-2 inches per week. Place a thin layer of straw or pine needles around plants to reduce weed growth and retain moisture. Clip off runners to keep plants focused on fruit production. After fruiting, trim leaves to expose the crowns of the plants. Every 2-3 years, replace mulch and till amendments into top few inches of soil to replenish nutrition. Divide and replant vigorous daughter plants. Pest and Disease Control Prevent pests like slugs, snails and birds by removing hiding spots and debris. Handpick insect pests and larvae. Practice crop rotation. Remove and destroy diseased plants and berries immediately. Choose resistant varieties when available. Harvesting and Storing Strawberries Pick berries every 2-3 days during peak season when fully red. Grasp the stem between your fingers to harvest. Place unwashed berries gently into containers. Store for 3-5 days in the refrigerator. Enjoy fresh, freeze for later use, or incorporate into jams, jellies or desserts.

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